Donnerstag, 5. September 2013

#6 White Indian Ocean

Good day, it's time for another post!^^
This one is dedicated to a nail polish that my sister just bought on our trip to London last month before she left for China (;____;). She's a big fan of the brand Models Own and wanted eagerly to see a bottle shop. If you google 'Models Own Bottleshop London', you will understand why. There are several in London Malls, selling one bottle for the price of 5 Pound. After my sister bought two for 10 Pounds, we found out that Boots sells 2 for 8 Pounds or something like that. Haha. (=___='')

Left one is a white colour from Orly, some french manicure stuff. It's amazing, two layers and your nails are pure white.
Right one is Models Own in Indian Ocean. It's very lucent on it's own, so you should layer a light colour underneath to see the blue shimmer better.

I'm a little bit disappointed, I thought it was going to turn out a little bit more blue. Darker colours by Models Own are definetely more opaque than this one.

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