Mittwoch, 9. April 2014

#72 Jade‘n'Avocados

Pretty conceptless nail design, I went to France last week to visit a Cutiepie of mine, and one night we got pretty drunk on vin blanc in her room and decided to do our nails.
That's why the first picture is so blurry. Sorry for that.

The dark green is not as glittery as the blurry pic suggests, and it has a sandy/emery paper texture, which reminds me so much of avocados. Yummy!!!
(Look at the second picture, looks like an avocado nail. And doesn't that Taboule look suuuuper awesome??? 
French fast food ☆____☆)

I knew if I wasn't going to take this picture, I'd have forgotten what polish I used!
So the jade colour (with a gold shimmer, very pretty) is from Catrice with the name 'Mint Me Up'.
The darker green is from p2 called Opulence. Haha, I still remember! ;-)

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